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Hammer Editor Configuration

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Monorail Cat:
Ok, so, as many of you may know, Garry's Mod 13 has been released a few days ago.  However, now my hammer editor will not work.  On the graphs, there is no mesh, and it's zoomed out fully, it's all just messy (screenshot 1-2).    I took a look at the configuration settings.  The "configuration" drop-down box in the "game configuration" and "build program" tabs always default to "Half Life 2: Ep. 2" even though I keep changing it to my Garry's Mod config (Screenshot 3-5).  Also, notice the differences between shots 4-5.  I then noticed that there is no longer a "hl2.exe" in the garrysmod folder, which may be the source of the problem.  I'm using Source SDK with the engine version 2009.  There's a video at the end of the post to further explain this.  If anyone out there knows or can find a fix, please help!  Thanks!






Hammer Editor graph problems Gmod config

As far as I know its affecting alot of other people as well. No conclusion has been found as of yet but ill be sure to post once a solution has been found.

My hammer works fine on the source 2009 ep2 engine

Monorail Cat:
okee thanks.  At least I know i'm not the only one with problems.

I used to have that error.
I ended up using these settings:

Source SDK:

Hammer --> Tools --> Options --> Game Configurations Tab

Hammer --> Tools --> Options --> Build Programs Tab

Monorail Cat:


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