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The zombie survival sheet

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Fill it out however you want.
Examples: Spoiler (click to show/hide)

We've done these before...let me go dig for mine.

Cake Faice:

This is from like, last year or so.

Lost mine. Redoing.

Spoiler: text version (click to show/hide)Callsign: Romeo, Romeo
Location: Forest between Panguich and Brianhead, Utah
Battle Cry: None.
Last Words: SOPHIA WHY

Clothing and gear.
Accessory: Generic ballistic glasses
Headgear: Indiana Jones hat
Upper Garment: MOLLE Vest
Lower Garment: ACU Bottoms
Accessory: Drop Leg Holster
Footwear: Generic Boot

Primary: Remington 870 Tactical w/Modified Choke, forward light, side saddle shell carrier.
Secondary: Glock 22 (.40 S&W) w/Dark Earth polymers
Melee: San Mai 3 Gurka Kukri from Cold Steel

Inventory (non-combat)-
Pack: Alice
Slot 1: First aid
Slot 2: Utensils
Slot 3: E-tool
Slot 4: Knife
Slot 5: Canteen
Slot 6: Sleeping bag

Vehicle: BMW K1200 R

Stronghold: Forest
Sidekick: Snivy
Soundtrack: Rush: Gold
Final Boss: Hawkeye Hank Hatfield


I just realized how much of a hipster I look like irl


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