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What Anti-virus do you use?

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I use avast! Internet Security piratedz edishun.
What do you use, out of curiosity?

Microsoft Security Essentials


--- Quote from: TaNkBuStErS on October 23, 2012, 08:43:47 AM ---Microsoft Security Essentials

--- End quote ---

Just be smart where you go and you won't need to get anything special


--- Quote from: Ἆxule on October 23, 2012, 10:24:53 AM ---Just be smart where you go and you won't need to get anything special

--- End quote ---
Pretty much.

McAfee Internet Security Suite. Came with my internet so don't have to pay subscription.

Avast! Anti-virus free...

Last time I attempted to pirate an anti-virus, it was a virus.


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