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Error bullet shells

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if you don't own CS:S use cracked steam to launch GMod and it will mount the local content. If you're getting console errors like "Error: Cache needs repair" for CS:S content go in steam, right click CS:S -> properties -> Local Files -> Validate and it will repair any broken GCFs / download updates. Also, make sure it's set to mount by going in GMod -> Extensions -> Game Content -> Tick CS:S.

If all else fails either use CFToolbox to see what the problem / status is or redownload the CS:S content through cracked steam by right click CS:S -> Delete Local Files. Then go in the library and reinstall like you would any other game.

WTF? Uber Bump?

EDIT: blah nid -1


--- Quote from: .:ЯӢĐ - Pryvisee on December 13, 2010, 07:29:02 PM ---
EDIT: blah nid -1

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what? why?? :(


--- Quote from: Deacon(TakeBackTheRain) on November 15, 2010, 02:55:41 PM ---what do you mean? this isn't from a month ago...
I have GCF, and a real copy of CSS (friends computer, different steam account)
I still can't get any of the CSS files to work.
yes, i put in steamapps/me/garrysmod
and then I tried garrysmod/garrysmod
and then I gave up. :-[

So if you can help me, it would be greatly appreciated.

--- End quote ---

The GCF goes to steamapps. (obiously)


--- Quote from: SHYoshi on December 14, 2010, 08:37:51 PM ---The GCF goes to steamapps. (obiously)

--- End quote ---

did that too.
finally figured it out though
need to find all the folders and put them in the right filepaths. if there is
models>materials>vgui (just as an example) in gmod
put the vgui stuff (the contents of the folder, not the folder itself) from css into the folder from gmod

i suggest copying the files, in case you mess up they will be there for you


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