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Cheesy Sλndwich 10/14/12

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--- Quote from: Cheesey Sandwich on October 14, 2012, 10:55:28 PM ---Name:

16, birthdate 9/22/96

In RND since:
Since febuary 2012

Times online:
3:00-6:00 pretty much all day on the weekends

Time Zone:
EST (U.S, and Canada)

Servers I mostly play on:
ttt, and stronghold

Steam Name:
-=`RND~:. Cheesy Sλndwich

Steam ID:

Why I should be VIP:
I play on the ttt server pretty much everyday. and everyday there is usually Rdmers/ghosters, and no VIP's or Admins around. I would really like to be VIP so that i could kick/ban the players that do not follow the rules.

Why I want to be VIP:
I want to be a VIP because i see alot of incidents during my play time on the server. I am nice to most everyone on the server, Minges really bother me so they should be kicked, and I would like to stop these players that Do so, that they will not do it again.

Contributions to RND:
I mostly call in admins or VIP's


Killing a T buddy on TTT
1. Ask them why. Give them 1st warning
2. If the player continue, start a votekick/voteban
3. If the player comes back, make a report

RDMing in ttt
1. Ask player why, if an accident, then its fine.
2. If the player RDM's on purpose. ask them to stop, (first warning)
3. If player continues, start a votekick.
4. If player comes back and continues to RDM. Start a voteban and create a report.

Someone is Prop Pushing
1. Ask them to stop.
2. If this continues, Start a votekick
3. If the player comes back and continues, Start a voteban

If some one is using Aimbot
1. Start voteban and create a report.

If a player is Glitching
1. Ask player to suicide, if he/she refuses then start a kick
2. If the player comes back and glitches again, then voteban.

If Someone is using a name changer
1. Start a voteban and create a report.

If a player is constantly being rude or mic spamming
1. Ask them to stop (first warning)
2. If they continue, and become a general annoyance to the server; start a vote kick.
3. If the player comes back and continues, start a voteban.

Games I have (on Steam):
Garry's Mod
Counter Strike: Source
Day Of defeat: Source
Half-life 2
Half-life 2: Deathmatch
Half-life 2: Episode 1
Half-life 2: Episdoe 2
Half-life 2: Lost coast
Half-life: Blue shift
Half-life: Opposing Force
Garry's mod 13
Zombie Panic: Source

Methods to contact me:
Steam:-=`RND~:. Cheesy Sλndwich
Xbox Live: Cheesey Sandwich
YouTube: DasCheeseySandwich

A few friends active in RND:
The badass Juan
Terminal Cancer
This Cactus
Dale Feles
Monorail Cat (Vintage!)
Dark Pacifist

Thanks to Don for reference to this app!

--- End quote ---

Forgot to state my opinion

I think chees(e)y lol is a good candidate for VIP
He is regularly on and is a fun player to play with


I don't mind you being VIP and all but I think it's a little too early for you. I mean, you just had regular for about a month. I would like to see other's inputs though.


--- Quote from: blah2355 on October 14, 2012, 11:10:33 PM ---I don't mind you being VIP and all but I think it's a little too early for you. I mean, you just had regular for about a month. I would like to see other's inputs though.

--- End quote ---
That's a terrible reason, there is no such thing as too early and even if there is, this guy has definitely played on the servers long enough, he is fairly active too, I don't really have anything negative to say about him either but I don't know how he would handle situations since I just don't know him well. 


--- Quote from: Prox on October 15, 2012, 05:54:11 AM ---That's a terrible reason, there is no such thing as too early and even if there is, this guy has definitely played on the servers long enough, he is fairly active too, I don't really have anything negative to say about him either but I don't know how he would handle situations since I just don't know him well.

--- End quote ---
I guess that's what I meant to say :-X

I've played with him a bit, and I think he should wait a little. I couldn't say one way or another what he would do with his power.


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