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MineCraft RND Servers?

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May sound a bit weird. Even off topic. I haven't been on RND in ahwile due to making my own ISO's and XBOX and PS3 repairing service. I randomly came of an idea of Minecraft servers with RND!. with Hamachi/CraftBukkit, for people who may of gotten Minecraft free or paid either can be used! Like I said I haven't been on in awhile to see if their really is RND Minecraft servers. If not this is a great idea to help spread Garry's Mod ideas to Minecraft with redstone. Minecraft shows some difficulty with redstone and cool contraptions that no one has yet discovered. If this even seems slight dumb. Please dont comment dumb remarks saying your stupid, or this is a dumb idea. I just think spreading RND to a whole different game could be cool. Trust me theirs alot of stuff we haven't learned in Minecraft that their really is!  :idk:

*Minecraft have somewhat same capabilities of adding mods to Minecraft to make it better, We can use alot of coders to make addons like GMOD.

No, and I don't think there would be many members who would play on the servers.

We used to have an Unofficial RND server run'd by GameFreak/Snivy but it got shutdown for some reason.

Also because of how minecraft is now, i don't think anyone would play anymore.

.... I would play it.

The thing is that coolz didn't want to add a minecraft server, ill try to look up for what he said.

I have lost interest in minecraft ever since the "Enderdragon in the overworld" Incident and all my hard work gone.

And that was a long time ago


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