Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Muddy's regular application

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Nickname: Muddy
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:48688509
Favorite Interests: Gaming, sports, cheesecake.       <-- Mmmmm...cheesecake.
Favorite Servers: I love the random sled build server, i also enjoy random TTT. For other servers, i like darkRP, sandbox and Elevator: Source.
Time Online: From usually 4PM to 9PM (Central)
Location: Canada
Age: 15
Languages I Speak: English, french
Occupation: Mayor on darkRP servers  ;D
Education: Sleep and enjoy lunch at school.  :thumbsup:
Other games I play: Minecraft, GTA4, BF3, Black ops and MW3, L4D2 and lots of other games.

Hi, i'm Muddy. I love playing on the random sled build server, me and my friends play on it a lot. It's really fun.
I noticed more features are available to regular members, and i support the random servers so here i am :). I wouldn't mind spreading the word about you guys and helping out. I will definetly be playing on random servers a lot in the future.

Might want to tell us why you want to be regular?

Sorry about that. Edited :D

Sled build? I'd say yes just based on that.

I feel like a +1 belongs here.


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