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Anyone here likes fishing?
--- Quote from: Deacon on October 09, 2012, 04:22:52 PM ---HA
--- End quote ---
Haven't fished ever, sadly. Would love to though.
One of my first catchs many many years ago
We had a super small lake near our house and our school would occasionally let us fish there during P.E. We would always have to toss them back in the river, however.
I haven't fished in a long time, but I would really love to do it again. In fact, I might just buy a rod and some line and go out in the ocean and fish some time soon.
For me, the best part about fishing is being to chill out and think about whatever. Just relax and enjoy the breeze.
my friend owns a house on a lake in michigan, so every summer since i was 6 i've been going out there trolling for bass
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