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Puff's Regular App
Nickname: Puff
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41714992
Favorite Interests: Games, Music, Girls, Cars
Favorite Servers: Winter Survival, Sledbuild, CityRP, DarkRP, TTT
Time Online: In the Spare time
Age: 16
Location: Europe
Languages I Speak: English
Occupation: Smoking Pot, Masturbating
Education: Master in the art of Trolling and teabagging
Some stuff I don't like: Beans
Other games I play: League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Minecraft, Starcraft II, and of course Hello Kitty Adventure Island :)
Summary: My name is Puff, I really enjoy playing on randomgs servers.
My favorite server is Winter Survival. "fap all day"
Cheesy Sandwich:
To me it does not seem like you put much effort into your App. +0 for me..
nice occupation
I like your signature too, that movie is badass
+0 Never seen ya before.
do you guys really need to be filling up his app with +0, he says he likes winter survival the most, so you probably have never seen him because he plays that the most. plus he is european so there is a time difference.
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