Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Ban Appeal(Redrum/Morr)
It's about fucking time this happened.
I could write a shitton about how you completely deserve this, but I won't because I'll know you'll just fling some shit at me.
Awhile back you turned into a complete shit head, and never told anyone why, you probably became one of the biggest assholes on the server. You target RDM'd, revenge RDM'd, and most other kinds of RDM. You get mad at everyone for no reason whatsoever, and don't give half a shit about what you do to other people in the server, what a badass.
You disrespect nearly EVERYONE on the server with racist comments, which really makes you the one who is putting an end to the fun in the server.
[TTPN] ShadowMoon:
He disrespect people who disrespect him.
That's what people normally do.
--- Quote from: [TTPN] Shadow Moon on October 01, 2012, 12:11:12 AM ---No.
He disrespect people who disrespect him.
That's what people normally do.
--- End quote ---
I'm all for plur, but that doesn't justify him going against the rules we have in place here.
If someone else is causing problems, he needs to make a report or notify a VIP/Admin. He can't take it into his own hands.
Unless you feel like a man.
--- Quote from: Foofoojack on September 30, 2012, 11:59:07 PM ---It's about fucking time this happened.
I could write a shitton about how you completely deserve this, but I won't because I'll know you'll just fling some shit at me.
Awhile back you turned into a complete shit head, and never told anyone why, you probably became one of the biggest assholes on the server. You target RDM'd, revenge RDM'd, and most other kinds of RDM. You get mad at everyone for no reason whatsoever, and don't give half a shit about what you do to other people in the server, what a badass.
You disrespect nearly EVERYONE on the server with racist comments, which really makes you the one who is putting an end to the fun in the server.
--- End quote ---
A tad excessive but
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Redrum and I used to be decently close but now everything being said is true. As much as I think he should be issued a ban I don't think this is the right reason. He wasn't disrupting the server let's be entirely serious, everyone in there other than the rdmers was more than likely grateful. This doesn't excuse his actions by any means but even coming off a ban, it's entirely unrelated. Attempting to put all bias aside I feel somewhere in the whereabouts of 2 weeks would be more appropriate. I'm all for lengthening our ban times, I think it's great I got tired of seeing 2 and 3 day bans but for a regular member of the servers with few prior incidents none of which relating to this I think it's just a bit much.
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