Technology (Read Only) > Computers
*Updated with my new PC specs* RATE MY new PC YO!!! 11/11
That PSU... You should switch with the modular OCZ 600w for less moneis. You could go with a z77 if you wanted more bells and whistles, but I think a z75 is ok. I don't know what you plan on doing (maybe gaming?) but I think an HD 7950 should suit your needs.
If you haven't already placed you're order up the PSU to atleast 600W
The estimated shiz for power is not that accurate.
Bought a different RAM then I Was going to and a better/different PSU(sold out at amazon atm)
Now I need an OS, Monitor, and headset. lol
Pingaz Windows 7 Ultimate, there is also a great 24" ASUS V_____ monitor I'm sure someone here owns.
--- Quote from: Samo on October 26, 2012, 12:12:41 AM ---Pingaz Windows 7 Ultimate, there is also a great 24" ASUS V_____ monitor I'm sure someone here owns.
--- End quote ---
Isn't WIN7 UL like 200$? lol
How much is the monitor? :o
I only wanna shell out like 100 to 150$
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