Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Alkaline

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Alkaline's been around, active on both forums and in-game, so I'd also like to see him as admin.  He's always chill around others and is a great candidate. 

Alkaline is an awesome and cool person anywhere anytime. He would fit right into the administration.

Alkaline seems to be more worried about hackers than the current admins are. Hes always very watchful for rule breakers and is a great guy to do almost anything with. Hes been a good friend of mine for a long time and he definitely deserves this.

Alkaline is one of the most respected VIP's on the servers and is always watching all over us for hackers and rule breakers. +1

(he also is quite intimidating to a few people i believe)

○ Μαρία ○:
Alkaline has been my friend for a long time, and he's been ont he servers for just as much. He has always been one to help the servers and be a contribution, and I think he'd do a great a job and I have a lot of faith in him. I know he'd make a great admin, he's already a great VIP.

Good luck!


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