Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Ban appeal.

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ID32: STEAM_0:0:32836513

In-game name: Johnny.exe (Usualy Johnny but I like to spice it up sometimes.) It says my In-game name was Eating and my name was never that.

Server: Temp TTT

Descriptions of events:
 Playing TTT.
Johnny.exe joins.
Speedhacks and RDMs.

Reason for appeal: I would like to be unbanned because I love the winter survival and I was banned from all the servers.

Link to ban:,13442.0.html

The ban is based by steam ID.

Could there be someone that can use my ID without me knowing? Cause these are my favorite servers and I would never like to be banned from them.


--- Quote from: Johnny916 on September 28, 2012, 08:57:46 PM ---Could there be someone that can use my ID without me knowing?

--- End quote ---


There isn't.

How was I Speed hacking? In the video it just shows me sprinting. I was not speed hacking. If I was speed hacking I would get vac banned.


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