Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Kahuna 9/27/12

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--- Quote from: Kahuna on September 27, 2012, 04:38:45 PM ---Kahuna's VIP Application

Manmohat Singh

17 years old, Birthdate: 2/10/95

Times online:

Time Zone:
EST(USA & Canada)

Servers I mostly play on:
Trouble in terrorist town

Steam Name:
Kahuna STEAM_0:0:25129985

Why I should be VIP:
I play on the TTT server almost every day. And every time I play I see atleast 1 incident that could have been prevented if we had an Admin or VIP been on.

Why I want to be VIP:
 I wish to be VIP because I often see no VIPs/Admins on. And once a report is made the player has already moved on to minge on other servers. I wish to prevent as much as I can.


Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT
1. Ask for a reason, if no reply within 3 minutes start votekick.
2. If player continues to kill teamates on purpose start votekick.
3. If player returns and starts killing teamates start voteban.
4. If player comes back and continues create report.

1. If player accidently RDMs then it's okay.
2. If player RDMs on purpose ask player to stop.
3. If player continues to RDM on purpose start votekick.
4. If player returns and continues to RDM start voteban and create report.

Someone is glitching
1. Ask glitcher to stop/kill themselves
2. If glitcher continues ask them to stop. If warning is not heeded start votekick.
3. If glitcher returns and continues to glitch start voteban and create report.

Someone is using a name changer
1. Start voteban and create report.

Someone is using an aimbot
1. Start voteban and create report

Someone is using speedhacks
1. Start voteban and create report.

Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
1. Ask them to stop.
2. If warning not heeded start votekick.
3. If player returns and continues start votekick.
4. If player returns and continues again start voteban.

Contributions to RND:
I don't really do much aside from report and call in Admins/VIPs.

Games I have (on Steam if applicable):
Team Fortress 2
Garry's Mod
Arma 2 Free
Blacklight Retribution
Black Mesa Source
Left 4 Dead 2
Tribes: Ascend
Hidden Source
Counter-Strike: Source
Dota 2

Methods to contact me:
Steam: Kahuna(sgtnatko)
Skype: SgtKahuna

Friends I have on steam:
Mr. Wafflepiez
Mr. Franklin
Tiger Guy
This Toast
Dark Pacifist

--- End quote ---

Honestly Kahuna is one of my good friends in RND, he plays regularly, and is generally a good person on the servers.
 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

plays constantly (not a bad thing), and very well knows how to handle pretty much every single situation.

definite  :thumbsup:

Juan, as far as I recall VIPs are not allowed to post apps for potential candidates.


--- Quote from: Deacon on September 27, 2012, 06:27:30 PM ---Juan, as far as I recall VIPs are not allowed to post apps for potential candidates.

--- End quote ---

Wait what..
i thought we were allowed to post apps...
i also saw Prox's post

Quote from: Prox on September 24, 2012, 07:40:21 AM
   Also, to everyone, do not forget that VIPS CAN POST VIP APPLICATIONS, so fell free to send one anytime.

and i remember coolz saying we can post apps too..


--- Quote from: Juan_Ambriz on September 27, 2012, 06:38:26 PM ---Wait what..
i thought we were allowed to post apps...
i also saw Prox's post

Quote from: Prox on September 24, 2012, 07:40:21 AM
   Also, to everyone, do not forget that VIPS CAN POST VIP APPLICATIONS, so fell free to send one anytime.

and i remember coolz saying we can post apps too..

--- End quote ---

Carry on then.


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