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Will SSD drives boost your FPS in games?

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Or is it just for the speed?

I would say it depends if your current disk drive is bottle-necking your performance, if not then... no.

Only if you're recording footage to your storage device at the same time. If you are recording with fraps you'll see a big difference in the stuttering. Maybe if you run out of VRAM it'll start switching back and forth to the storage device for the video encoding, which will drop you to around 5-8fps with an HDD. It may be faster then, but 12fps isn't that much more playable than 7.

TL;DR If you have low VRAM or plan on using fraps often an SSD is nice, otherwise it won't make a big difference.


--- Quote from: Zevante on September 26, 2012, 11:16:32 AM ---Only if you're recording footage to your storage device at the same time.

--- End quote ---
If you're gonna get it for this, I would just recommend bandicam, has the same quality as fraps, compresses while you record so its A LOT smaller files, and it can be uploaded to YouTube immediately after being recorded.

It makes everything load faster, not exactly FPS booster though.


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