Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

blah2355 9/24/12

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blah2355's VIP Application![/color]

Information about myself

Name: Gary

Age: 15

In RND since: Two years.

Times online: When I can. Mostly 3-5PM on weekdays and 7-10AM weekends.

Time Zone: Eastern Time zone (US) or GMT -5

Location: USA

Servers I mostly play on: TTT

Steam Name: blah2355

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:36042998

Why I want to be VIP: Since TTT is becoming more popular, thus having more minges, I think that more VIP's are needed to votekick/voteban people who don't follow the rules. I have also been a member of RnD for a while and I believe I can make the TTT community more worth while and challenge myself with responsibility and power.


Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT
1. Question why and tell to stop
2. Start a votekick if persistent
3. If continuing then tell to stop or voteban
4. If still then start voteban

1. Ask what's the reason for rdm
2. If it was accident then okay
3. If not accident then ask to stop/give warning
4. Still continuing, votekick
5. Still continuing, voteban

Someone is glitching
1. Ask them to stop glitching
2. If still glitching, then start votekick
3. If still glitching further, then start voteban

Someone is using a name changer
1. Immediate voteban
2. Report to forums

Someone is using an aimbot
1. Immediate voteban
2. Report on forums

Someone is using speedhacks
1. Immediate voteban
2. Report on forums

Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
1. Give warning/ask to stop
2. If still, votekick
3. If still, votekick again
4. If still, voteban

If anything above said is repeated excessively then I will make a report.

ETC information

Contributions to RND: I haven't really made big contributions to the community other than helping others and reporting minges.

Games I have (on Steam if applicable):
Team Fortress 2
Garry's Mod
League of Legends
World of Tanks
Arma 2 Free
Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead
Blacklight Retribution
Black Mesa Source
Left 4 Dead 2

Methods to contact me:
Steam: blah2357 (if it has an avatar then that's the right one)
Skype: blah2355

Friends I have on steam:
Mr. Wafflepiez
Captain Communism
Mr. Franklin
Tiger Guy
Death M.D.
This Toast

Thank you for reading this application! :)

Also, thank you Don for reference to this app! ;D

Dale Feles:
Blah has always been a good friend of mine. It's been a while he's been in this community, and I think he knows the rules perfectly. He has always behaved in game, and I think he would make a very good VIP.

 :thumbsup: for me.


--- Quote from: Dale Feles on September 24, 2012, 04:04:48 PM ---Blah has always been a good friend of mine. It's been a while he's been in this community, and I think he knows the rules perfectly. He has always behaved in game, and I think he would make a very good VIP.

 :thumbsup: for me.

--- End quote ---

Pretty much this.

+1, I can see Blah doing this all too well.


--- Quote from: Dale Feles on September 24, 2012, 04:04:48 PM ---Blah has always been a good friend of mine. It's been a while he's been in this community, and I think he knows the rules perfectly. He has always behaved in game, and I think he would make a very good VIP.

 :thumbsup: for me.

--- End quote ---

Couldn't have said it better myself.

He's also quite nice, something I see as a rare trait.


--- Quote from: Dale Feles on September 24, 2012, 04:04:48 PM ---Blah has always been a good friend of mine. It's been a while he's been in this community, and I think he knows the rules perfectly. He has always behaved in game, and I think he would make a very good VIP.

 :thumbsup: for me.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Deacon on September 24, 2012, 06:24:25 PM ---
Couldn't have said it better myself.

He's also quite nice, something I see as a rare trait.

--- End quote ---

Sums it up.


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