Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

TehHank 24/9/12

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Hank is a really good friend of mine. He knows the rules, kind, respectfull and helpfull.
So yeah, in my opinion Hank is a great person to be VIP.

Dale Feles:
I've never had any problems with Hank, and he's always been a good buddy to have close by.  :thumbsup:, I think he's ready.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Shawn on September 24, 2012, 09:52:13 PM ---OMG magic making a post! i thought you died Lmao

This, i personally never had a problem with him.

--- End quote ---

Use Steam if you need me, always around ;3

Alright, it has been about 2 weeks and there have been enough positive comments for promotion.


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