Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
pyrosheep regular application 9/20/12
Necessary stuff:
Nickname: pyrosheep
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:40346045
Favorite Interests: music, playing video games, walking, traveling
Favorite Servers: TTT
Time Online: I'm almost always on every night for 1-2 hours.
Other Stuff:
Location: New England
Languages: English and shit spanish.
Some stuff I don't like: attention seekers, arrogance, people who pull the "IT'S JUST A GAME BRUH CALM DOWN" card.
Other games I play: Binding of Isaac, Battlefield 3, DayZ, and other ones that I don't play as regularly.
I'm pyrosheep and I started playing at the beginning of the summer of 2011, and then stopped during the winter of 2011. I just started playing this summer again and am sooo happy to be playing on the servers. I hate it when people are douchecakes to new players and try my best to make them stfu.
Thank you!
He is a huge faggot and his name is pyrosheep
And he's fun to play with too +1
Cheesy Sandwich:
Fuzion, I have no idea what you are trying to say by that, ( I'm guessing -1)
And pyro, I thought you were regular already?
I play with pyro all the time. He's a cool guy. Never breaks any rules :thumbsup:
He tends to be a dick sometimes, but we have regs that are far worse. He has done nothing to keep him in the guest area, so it's a +1 for me.
chill bro, follows the roools :thumbsup:
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