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Switch New ZS -> Stronghold

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coolz brings up a good point. we have not even given it a fighting chance. since the old zs was modified to our liking we should give the new one that same chance. time permitted of course. and lets not forget that 13 is due out soon.


--- Quote from: Deacon on September 19, 2012, 12:36:37 PM ---coolz brings up a good point. we have not even given it a fighting chance. since the old zs was modified to our liking we should give the new one that same chance. time permitted of course. and lets not forget that 13 is due out soon.

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Well to fight the server being empty, we should at least organize an event for people to get on at around the same time. Otherwise, we should just play stronghold/green shift before shit breaks.

well i suppose. its up to coolz but one of these days we have to try fixing new zs


--- Quote from: Alkaline on September 19, 2012, 12:42:48 PM ---Well to fight the server being empty, we should at least organize an event for people to get on at around the same time. Otherwise, we should just play stronghold/green shift before shit breaks.

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--- Quote from: Deacon on September 19, 2012, 12:46:45 PM ---well i suppose. its up to coolz but one of these days we have to try fixing new zs

--- End quote ---
The new ZS is/can be great with the proper modifications.

Vanilla/Nox settings are absolutely terrible though.

Since the games really unbalanced right now, and the only thing seperating it from Nox is that it's outdated, nobody really wants to play on it.

When I was hosting mine on the temp, we had it constantly populated, so I mean, asdf.

Maybe they're empty because nobody has the chance to get online?

Or it was because of the annoying vgui_allowhtml 0 thing.

I do like stronghold though.


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