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Remove TTT Karma Carrying Over

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Cake Faice:
If Coolz did this feature him self...horrible move. It takes more then discussions with other admins who are bound to agree without thinking over it clearly. And if you accidentally fuck up, you fuck up unless you know how to prop-kill. In which if a person is a skilled prop killer...he/she can prop kill his way up to perfect karma again which totally goes over the prop-kill limit.

*Random minge who will never go on this server again joins*
*Goes next to you, and shoots the ground and hits you in the foot 2 times*
*You go ape-shit and kill him while he had perfectly good karma*
*He was innocent, he leaves, and your fucked with your karma*

Some innocents(faggot) rdm me once at terror office map and i killed him.
And my karma drop like shit.
I took my 10 rounds+ to raise my karma to 800+
Almost every map got rdm faggots!

this idea seems good when in hypothesis but everyone on the ttt server really hates it

Mr. Franklin:
atleast make it 100+ karma at the end of a round, when you don't kill anyone...


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