Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Application for regular 9/11/12

(1/4) > >>

Nickname: Somebody
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41156812
Favorite Interests: Videogames, play Football (the sport, not Fifa games), draw portraits.
Favorite Servers: TTT
Time Online: Wherever I can.

Age: 19
Location: Venezuela
Languages I Speak: English/Spanish
Occupation: Student
Education: Starting the college
Some stuff I don't like: Rdming.
Other games I play: Mass Effect, Fallout, etc etc etc

Hola a todos, my name is Somebody, I found this server by chance and since the first time I joined I became like some kind of addict. I have really good times every time I join because most of the players are really cool and funny. I must apologize because my english isn't really good -(I learned by myself)- and sometimes I can't express what i'm trying to say and then I ended up being misunderstood. Humm, well I don't have much else to say, bye :D

What's your steam community profile link? Put it in here

But yeah you're pretty cool in TTT :thumbsup:

Lazer Blade:
Hes been here for a while now, follows the rules and is fun to play with +1


--- Quote from: blah2355 on September 11, 2012, 05:01:43 PM ---What's your steam community profile link? Put it in here

But yeah you're pretty cool in TTT :thumbsup:

--- End quote ---

Thank you, that link was really usefull  :).

he is a long time regular and a fun person to play with  :thumbsup:


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