Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved


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Nickname: digitalmk68 or digital
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47477632
Favorite Interests: Games, football, reading
Favorite Servers: TTT
Time Online: monday to sunday from 12-10pm

Age: 15
Location: canada
Languages I Speak: english and korean
Occupation: I make sandwiches
Education: still in school
Some stuff I don't like: high-pitched sounds
Other games I play:payday, dayz, g-mod, bf3, mw3, mw2,......all shooters

Summary: i like apples and i play ttt alot and we really need more vips online -.- 2 many little kids (aka rdmers) i dont sound like 15 and people often mistake me for being 18....

fuck you no.
you're always traitor baiting and it's fucking obnoxious and annoying.

Aside from the lack of date in the title, yes. He is on nearly every time I am, and his behavior isn't at all questionable. Knows rules.  :thumbsup:

Today i saw him traitor baiting and i find him way too much times in questionable cases of rdming.

Apart from this and in my opinion, he doesn't know the way the game should be played and all the rules of the TTT server, wich is the server he frequents.

in my opinion, he isn't ready for the rank.

not t baiting if u pay attention i shoot in the air to scare off the new assholes that follow me-.-


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