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Bring back TTT_Krusty krab

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Cake Faice:
If it's the version where Tiny Tim fucking looped over and over again, fuck no. It was okay if it played at the start of every round, but after 20 god damn minutes of it, it sucked.

You could type stopsounds in console........

I made a dedicated stopsounds bind just for that map.

I LOVED THAT SONG! was such a   :trollface:

Eion Kilant 739:
While the map is ok, it's not a good map at all for a crowded server.

If someone were to go ahead and make a town-like thing it would be okay, but it's just a horrible map as-is to have on a server that has parma karma. There was also a crazy amount of prop surfing and Trolling and fail Traiting. Don't get me wrong, I loved the map. It's just that I'd have no fun on it with permakarma.

--- Quote from: Essex on September 11, 2012, 08:54:02 AM ---I LOVED THAT SONG! was such a   :trollface:
--- End quote ---
That is not helping your case.


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