Restricted (Read Only) > Übermensch Members
Bitgamer Invites
Tiger Guy:
Deg won the latest raffle. Already sent the email.
By the way, the whole site is free leach at the moment so you should get all you can while you can.
Awesome, thanks.
Tiger Guy:
Alright, round three is going to be drawn tomorrow. If your name isn't in the OP, then leave a comment and I'll add your name.
Hey you fucking furfag disgusting dog-fucker,
count me as a second invite. Those who are left after the frist winner, play again for my invite.
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: Patrick on October 03, 2012, 03:54:46 PM ---Hey you fucking furfag disgusting dog-fucker,
count me as a second invite. Those who are left after the frist winner, play again for my invite.
--- End quote ---
Okay my lord.
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