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other server maps working except for rnds servers

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Someone should upload all of the maps on zs individually and archive them (document with pictures and a description). It would help out for people who would rather directly download the maps.

I have made an archive of the majority of the maps, albeit without a picture or description.

Remember to either log into a account or make one, or else the link won't work correctly.

Yes just make files or something I also get this weird error from exe saying bad line model 82, world model not set up yet anyone knows what that means ?


--- Quote from: saivon on August 29, 2012, 04:43:19 PM ---Yes just make files or something I also get this weird error from exe saying bad line model 82, world model not set up yet anyone knows what that means ?

--- End quote ---

Generic gmod crash. Just restart it.

Now let's say I only get this error on rnd's server when every I try to join what should I do restart gmod again ?


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