Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

A Fail a comeback and Goodbye !

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Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Loke on August 27, 2012, 02:33:35 PM ---What.
He was banned ._.

--- End quote ---

Im new here and ive seen him play TTT, hes an rdmer and a  :troll:
and he was banned for making multiple cracked steam accounts..

Well seems like the ban was well placed.


--- Quote from: WalterPPk on August 27, 2012, 02:28:29 PM ---Soooo i got IP banned yesterday ( for ALT account ) just saying that it failed and i can connect normally whenever i want ( just a matter of resetting my router and by that acquiring a  new WAN ip)... uhm yeah you need to get that fixed Coolzdad ...or whoever runs the servers ... as of me you probably won't hear from me again since i found a new server which is much better, funnier and has way nicer and not lieng community (I'm generally addressing Kahuna, since he didn't tell the real story ..) have fun !

Bye !

--- End quote ---
I didn't actually say you were already banned. Due to some recent changes admins are unable to ban without being in-game with the player, at the moment. Of course coolz can manually add the ban however, but have fun at your new community?
And it's not an IP ban, if you were enough of a problem to need an immediate ban you wouldn't be able to just reconnect by resetting your router.


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