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Taking AP Literature, APUSH (AP US History), Honors Physics, Senior Level Pre-Cal, American War and Conflict, and Honors Spanish 4

Im so fucking screwed this year

Junior Year:
-IB Chemistry
-Theory of Knowledge
-IB Psychology
-IB Film
-IB Accelerated Math (Basically scrunch up two years worth of math into one)
-IB Englsh
-IB Japanese
-IB Biology

Then next year I get to take the same classes again except with AP Calc instead of IB math.


--- Quote from: Ἆxule on August 27, 2012, 02:23:25 AM ---Junior Year:
-IB Chemistry
-Theory of Knowledge
-IB Psychology
-IB Film
-IB Accelerated Math (Basically scrunch up two years worth of math into one)
-IB Englsh
-IB Japanese
-IB Biology

Then next year I get to take the same classes again except with AP Calc instead of IB math.

--- End quote ---

hnnnnnnnnnnnnk that's a good one

I like where this thread is going lol. I have:

AP chem
English 2
Spanish 3
2 Wellness classes (fitness/gym basically)
US History 1

I wanted to do basic computer programming but my schedule was full and I even had to take out lunch.


--- Quote from: Hopsin on August 27, 2012, 02:58:15 AM --->Japanese
hnnnnnnnnnnnnk that's a good one

--- End quote ---

What O.o


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