Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Hot Bitch application 17 OCT 2010
Never heard of you so my vote its +-0
Dale Feles:
i played a little with hot on some servers, she dosent minge, dosent rdm, etc. But as darkfire says, ur not on regularly, but i'l give you a :thumbsup: dont make me regret it pl0x
I dunno - play more often - even if you do have different times - your name is quite noticeable. and Magic or Don would get on when we're not on.
And if you do minge then they would know.
I say play more often before pplz vote.
--- Quote from: Moolz ♥ on October 17, 2010, 11:23:10 AM ---I dunno - play more often - even if you do have different times - your name is quite noticeable. and Magic or Don would get on when we're not on.
And if you do minge then they would know.
I say play more often before pplz vote.
--- End quote ---
ROFL. DEVIE. NEW AVATAR. i lol'ed so hard.
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