Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
Lavenchie 8/15/12
Lavenchie is a perfectly decent player, but he's not the type of person I look at and think "Hey, I think that guy should be VIP."
I'm not sure how to explain it. I just don't think he offers that much of a benefit as VIP.
Hmm this is a hard one.. while there maybe people in support of him as a rule follower and someone easy to get along with... others say that even with that as the case he isn't ready for the responsibility of VIP.
I am not going to make a decision one way or another just yet.
I request everyone in favor of Lavenchie as VIP to explain why they believe he is ready for VIP, beyond his ability to follow the rules etc.
--- Quote from: ·UηİŦ··© on August 27, 2012, 03:56:55 PM ---I also feel like Lavenchie is capable of being VIP.
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I guess Lavenchie may dick around some times, that's true.
But he does have a capability of being serious/attentive. And he does get along with people most of the time...
He's generally one of the people that point out a sore thumb when I honestly hadn't seen it before/too busy looking at everyone else/playing TTT.
And given the privileges of VIP that can easily be taken away, I doubt (for the most part) that he'd ever go out of his way to do something really silly.
--- Quote from: ursus on September 02, 2012, 09:04:07 AM ---Lavenchie is a perfectly decent player, but he's not the type of person I look at and think "Hey, I think that guy should be VIP."
I'm not sure how to explain it. I just don't think he offers that much of a benefit as VIP.
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I thought about changing my +1 to a 0, but I won't say that I have completely thrown the idea of Lavenchie being a VIP out the window. Though I guess ursus' reply does sum up a minor concern, I do feel like it's been a while, and it's more than probable he could at least not abuse the power/fix 1 or 2 issues/be the odd VIP when no one's around, if anything.
Lavenchie is cool and chill, but I don't think he's ready. Perhaps give it some time and I'll more likely than not reconsider. Good luck!
I honestly dont think you should be VIP yet.
you are not a bad guy, i just dont think you should be one yet, because of what other people have said like being immature. Or insulting other players, an example would be Marie in,13921.0.html
Also you kept messaging, and messaging, and messaging me.
When at first i said dont worry i will when i have time, yet you still kept messaging.
:thumbsdown: For now. Maybe next time when you re-apply (IF you dont get approved) if i see improvement.
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