Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

10/17/2010 Application: Barenziah & Psycho0124 - [APPROVED]

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 :thumbsup: for Psycho0124

Barenziah can't vote on, never played with her...

Cake Faice:
 :thumbsup: for both.

Unlike others, barenziah doesnt rage/PMS's all over the game if someone makes a sexist joke/comment
Physco is a pretty awesome player over-all.

Mr. Franklin:
ive known Psycho ever sense he first played ZS....  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: i wish i could downvote vip apps"
[Trouble in Terrorist Town:Console] ".:RND`=- DoeniDon [CH]: why?"
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: just saw someone being a minge "
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: and they have a vip app in the forums"
[Trouble in Terrorist Town:Console] ".:RND`=- DoeniDon [CH]: name?"]
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: Psycho0124 i belive"
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: would not launch his boat in the pirate game. "
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: kept launching himself to attack out boat"
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: after being asked to launch his"
[rANdOm-PirateShipWars:Console] ".:RND`=-Psycho0124: Masshuu.. It's Pirateship wars.. You can't cry 'minge' because you disagree with someones strategy.."
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: we can't win if his ship is up top"
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: if thats not minging then the rules suck"
[rANdOm-PirateShipWars:Console] ".:RND`=-Psycho0124: Strategy=Fail sounds like to me.. Minging? Nahh.."
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: since we can't get to his ship at all, but he can attack outs"
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Masshuu: obiously i just suck"
[rANdOm-PirateShipWars:Console] ".:RND`=-Psycho0124: Neither here nor there. Global chat is no place for bitching and bickering though."

Well, I honestly didn't have much in-game experience with either of them, but that's probably due to completely different time zones.



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