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Essex's Regular Re Applications

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Nickname: Essex
SteamID:    STEAM_0:0:20619668
Favorite Interests:Klling and sleeping 
Favorite Servers: TTT and sometimes Stronghold
Time Online: Whenever servers are up

Summary: Hey its Essex i am reapplying i am a 1 year member so i hope to become a regular if i get denied to people not knowing me then its not my fault i dont like to talk alot,the people who know me from 2011 will +1 i hope thank you.Im a good Traitor and i enjoy playing on random servers.

Links about me:
My introduction thread - Cant find it
My Steam -

Dislikes me only because of my voice, not Regular worthy at all considering the fact it's not the voice that judges maturity.
Also why don't people use the correct format.

not only your voice brother your a regular that trolls around in game with an explosive can in a building then you explode it thankfully not killing my but yourself.... And befgore that you acidentaly discharged it screaming oh no run run run!.....

Im not afraid to say this again how you became a regular is beyond my imagination.

Just because your a regular fusion doesnt mean i have to be close friends with you and fake to liking you just to get your +1 if i get denied it wont bother me ive ben here for a year i can coupe.This is only my 2nd app.


--- Quote from: Essex on August 16, 2012, 06:11:02 AM ---not only your voice brother your a regular that trolls around in game with an explosive can in a building then you explode it thankfully not killing my but yourself...
And befgore that you acidentaly discharged it screaming oh no run run run!.....

Im not afraid to say this again how you became a regular is beyond my imagination.

Just because your a regular fusion doesnt mean i have to be close friends with you and fake to liking you just to get your +1 if i get denied it wont bother me ive ben here for a year i can coupe.This is only my 2nd app.

--- End quote ---
All that's highlighted in red, makes me laugh.
1. I didn't know killing myself was so immature, your logic is beyond my mind.

2. You know what, I honestly don't know either :)

3. I never said that I had to be "omg betstyz forev4r" just so I can +1 your post, if you were here for a year you would know what to do in this type of predicament, I was simply speaking my opinion.

This isn't a argument board, it's your regular application, yet you still seem to argue.

I don't want to really talk anymore because I've already probably lost a lot of respect from others by now just because of this post.

Also, at least proofread your post
I'm going to be the mature person you want me to be and not going to post on this anymore.

No look i actually started to like you and defended you about the fag situation? But anywayz what you did was told the truth i respect you for that so i dont see why ppl would hate you for the post.


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