Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Tortie's App 8/12/12

(1/3) > >>

Nickname: Tortie

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43375486

Favorite Interests:Playing games, Making videos(mostly about games), eating and sleeping.

Favorite Servers: TTT

Time online: around 2-6 hours a day
Age: 15
Location: California
Languages: English
Occupation: N/A
Education:Experienced with final cut, and have brief experience with animation,
Other games: Source games, RPGs and Mobas


Hello, I'm Tortie, I discovered the rNd temp server 6 months ago, and have logged 250 hours onto it. TTT is fun, but this server makes it even better because of the people. Now that the official servers are up, I am asking to become a regular. I'm hoping to become a part of this awesome community. Thanks for reading

A big +1 from me. A player who I have never seen doing anything negative.

I have played with tortie he is a great player, I would love to see him as a Regular.


cool guy, never seen him doing anything naughty c;  :thumbsup:

 :thumbsup: cool dood, def reg material


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