Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Dex's Reg app
--- Quote from: imDex on October 16, 2010, 06:21:44 PM ---I was respected on the old system and i never abused the kick system i used to kick alot because alot of hackers came into TTT.
--- End quote ---
A) You were demoted from respected before system changed.
B) You are already reg, and meant to post VIP app not reg app.
C) You were demoted from reg.
If you were respected when the system changed you would be reg already.
Also, I don't think you should really be reg :l. Definitely not VIP. I get that you can't do much as reg but abusers shouldn't get any rank at all IMO. I've seen you abuse respected before countless times. ::)
(Guest) Dex: sorry i didnt mean to kill u my target was crit
Target rdm, and mass rdm'd today, Magic banend him.
Plenty of reason to say no. :thumbsdown:
im not reg sabbath
Crit Nick:
-1 Mass RDM's in TTT.
Uhm sabb, everyone has been demoted, that all respected to regular thing was just temporary.
To the topic ...
You're a cool guy and all Dex, but you just tend to minge too often. :/
» Magic «:
-1 RDM'er
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