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ZS: Knckback; reduce it please

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It's the zombies that actually usually win the rounds
there is no problem with melee
old version is much better

oh and why is the server down again, when is it going to be up?


--- Quote from: Prox on August 12, 2012, 05:33:01 AM --->implying it takes a lot of skill to play this one as a human

   I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to put the latest Zs for testing in the real rnd servers and perhaps to put an in-game link that would direct players to the forums asking which Zs they prefer.

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yea because 250 kills in a round and 40 in 2 waves is complete luck.

Anyway I haven't really played it but from what I heard it sounds dumb, like the idea of a shop sounds dumb, and turrets sound op but what do I know. I just like the original ZS.


--- Quote from: Carp on August 12, 2012, 10:14:54 AM ---yea because 250 kills in a round and 40 in 2 waves is complete luck.

Anyway I haven't really played it but from what I heard it sounds dumb, like the idea of a shop sounds dumb, and turrets sound op but what do I know. I just like the original ZS.

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The shop system can be disabled. People, both old ZS and new ZS players thought a good idea would be to add a perk that was called "Classic Mode" and gave you the old ZS gameplay. Start off with a pistol and melee, and work your way up and randomly get weapons instead of worrying about points and worth.

The turrets are far from OP. They chew up insane amounts of ammo, and explode in two hits. The payoff you get for kills doesn't give you enough to sustain the turrets ammo consumption, so it's really only good for a support weapon, to be used once your barricade goes down to buy you some time. Plus, the turret is almost useless when it's set to auto-aim. The scanning is so wide that unless the target is two feet in front of it, it probably won't ever see or lock onto it. Everyone I've played with preferred to use the manual aim on it, making it no more powerful than any other SMG.

Honestly, "I heard it sounds dumb" is a poor excuse.

The latest Zs outmatches the old one in every aspect, well maybe part of the players would like the kill system instead of shops but it's like comparing two good songs, some will prefer one instead of another. Besides there must be a way to additionally modify it.


--- Quote from: Alkaline on August 11, 2012, 11:03:29 PM ---This is a case brought up every time a thread is made to change something in the old zs. I think the new version should be on the servers as it actually gives zombies a chance. I enjoy the old zs but it relies on cheap strategies and bad maps to keep up the entertainment.

In the old zs, it's IMPOSSIBLE to hit people as a normal zombie (I think this has something to do with the weapon hit-scanning serverside rather than on the client). Humans would be able to run around zombies without getting hit. No one would want to sit through a boring, 30 minute game on the old zs as zombie and deal with the buggy weapons while the humans can bottle-neck a hallway/vent or swim for the entire game without even losing health.

The only problem with putting up the new version is that some players are too stubborn to adapt to the new, team-based gamemode rather than being able to lone-wolf. The only positive things I see in the old zs is the Winrarz system keeps the game competitive and goomba-stomping gives an advantage to zombies on open maps. Other than that, the rest of the gamemode deters new players and rustles everyones jimmies on an hourly basis.

And some maps should definitely be removed.

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This is very true.  Great post.


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