Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Regular application

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  My steam name: Dr.Saivon,Bragg

My steam Id: mediangolfda1st

Time online: 1pm-12pm (USA)  Pacific

Servers: Sometimes TTT, also Zs mainly

Age: 14

Games I own: Css, Left 4 dead 2, gmod, gmod 13 beta, gta4, portal 2, Fallout 3 game of the year edition, Skyrim, ga4 episodes from liberty city, half life 2 , half life 2 episode 2,

Locaton: Lakewood, Washington

Why I want to become reg: Mainly because I actaully very do enjoy the servers and the wonderfully community it has and I just think I want to at least start by reg and maybe one day become vip you have to start somewhere in life :p

Contrubutions to rnd: Laughter on servers

Contact me: add me on steam

And thanks I really do hope I become reg cause I love these servers to death.

Asuna Yuuki:
Just played with him on zs.
Follows Rules, even though your mean to me.  :thumbsup:

I banned him a while back for ghosting, I believe.

The ban fucked up and he ended up banned for longer than the two weeks I set for him though.

He didn't tell me about it until about three months after the ban, when I resigned.

Even though I treated him like an asshole about it, he still remained respectful, so I'll give him that.

No clue what kind of person he's like on the servers though. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

As far as I know, he follows rules on zs. He might act stupid sometimes, but he doesn't do anything wrong, he's a good candidate for reg.  :thumbsup:

Lazer Blade:
He follows the rules and doesn't troll +1


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