Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[1 Week, No action] Eddie sushi & Mr Pink - RDM and ghosting

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1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)



2. Players Nickname

Eddie sushi

Mr Pink

3. Your in-game name


4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)

Trouble in terrorist town

5. Description of the event(s)

On the trouble in TTT server, i was chosen as Traitor alongside Eddie sushi. Due to before, Eddie had some sort of hatred towards me. Soon he started announcing on the server he suspected me as a traitor. Soon without doing anything, Mr Pink called me out and so did Eddie alongside. I was killed. Next round Eddie was a detective and Rdmed quite a few innocents. Just to add, Eddie insults a people frequently that are not on his friends list.

6. Reason for ban

RDM and ghosting and being a general douche to everyone

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
Damage log of Damamge done to Innocents
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Evidence that these 2 are friends
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
8. Notes
However I do not have any demo's proving the ghosting so you may not approve of Mr Pink's banning.

Maybe Eddie didn't like those people?

Okay ._.

But the proof seems legit, so I will have to  :thumbsup:

Do you have screenshots of his douchebaggery or was he talking on mic? If so, demo?

It looks like Eddie is guilty of RDM/attempting to RDM, but I'm not sure you can put anything on Mr. Pink. He may have just bandwagoned onto the idea of killing you because his friend was calling it out, or just decided it was a legit call out and acted on it.

Regardless, there's definitely not enough evidence to prove anyone was ghosting. Just because two people are friends doesn't mean they're guaranteed to ghost with each other.

yes you may disregard the ghosting as i do not have definite proof (not saying it didn't happen)


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