Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Omega's Regular Application - 7/30/12
Omega's Regular Application
Nickname: Omega
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:46622246
My Steam -
Favorite Interests: Games, programming, modeling (digital not nude :P), creeping around the rNd forums
Favorite Servers: TTT, Wire Build, Fretta
Time Online: Usually online from 3pm to 3am(GMT -5)
Age: 17
Location: USA
Other games I play: Endless Space, Source SDK, Minecraft
My name is Omega. I have been an active member of the servers for over two years. This server has been a part of my life for a long time, and many of the members have become family to me. I have switched through many names in my time on these servers, and Omega was the one I adopted about the same time as the servers went down around February. I have never been a very active poster on the forums, but I suppose that now is as good a time as any.
I have built up a lot of friends on the server in this time, and watched many of them come and go. I don't quite know why it took me this long to apply for regular status, but here I am now. One of the main reasons I want regular is that I want to be able to be recognized as an active member of the community by something more than the tag before my name. I also want to eventually apply for VIP, and I feel that I should step my way up instead of aiming too high.
I've seen this guy a couple of times and he seems like he's pretty chill.
I think he should get it. :thumbsup:
I personally never seen him on before, and I'm on those servers.
For now its -+0
you seem pretty good to me. Approved.
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