.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Well, I guess this is goodbye.

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Frank, idk why

Yomo, yes. The cake will help me in my 12 hour flight from Los Angeles to Shanghai D:

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: yomogimochi on August 08, 2010, 10:09:54 AM ---Pearl Jam - Come Back (espaƱol)
Come bax

--- End quote ---
Pearl Jam - Even Flow

Cake Faice:
Yes, make sure you get a megaphone and criticize the government. They love to hear the feedback. And dont forget your bible!

(Dont fucking do anything of the above)


--- Quote from: Cheesicle on August 08, 2010, 04:19:02 PM ---Frank, idk why

Yomo, yes. The cake will help me in my 12 hour flight from Los Angeles to Shanghai D:

--- End quote ---

12 hours is nothing.
I had to withstand a 22 hour flight with all the delays and shit.
"Yeah bitch my ticket says first class I fucking paid for this shit. Now, gtfo and fix the plane so I can gtfo kthx"

But I guess I waited all this time, to tell you that your name makes me want cheese ice cream.

U dont know how bad im trying to get back to Switzerland. Its been 4 fken years!


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