Technology (Read Only) > Computers

Throat Mics

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Captain Communism:
Due to the fact that my current desk microphone sucks and keeps cutting out my voice, I've decided it's time for an upgrade. I'm really looking for a decent throat microphone, for several reasons such as clearness, noise cancellation, and so on. I think I may get this one, but if anybody can offer some good suggestions, please do.

When you said throat mic I thought about the thingy for people with damaged vocal chords.

Captain Communism:
Oh, and another thing. Is it even advisable to use a throat mic? Or are they just a waste of money? If so, what would be a good alternative?

What the fuck?

Why not get a regular mic?

Captain Communism:

--- Quote from: Seb on June 28, 2012, 09:32:59 AM ---What the fuck?

Why not get a regular mic?

--- End quote ---

To clarify, he thought I meant an internal mic inside of my throat. I meant one that just goes around the neck.


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