Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[3 Days, Perm] Eion Kilant 739 Ban/kick evasion after some reveng

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Don't want to be the asshole that not knowing anything about a report comes in and talk like he knews everything but...

Your steam profile does not show you haven't played under the alias of "Captian David.".... it just shows that your last 10 aliases were not "Captain David."


--- Quote from: Eion Kilant 739 on July 03, 2012, 11:38:19 PM ---1. I'm sorry, what? You think I would waste the money on an ALT? What proof do you have that this is an ALT and not a random player who chose my name?

2. The only thing this proves me guilty of is A SINGLE CASE of revenge RDM. Sorry for having a bad day.

3. As for prop pushing, I meant to do that pre-round. I do not want to ruin someone's entire round by killing them.

Three conclusions:

4. OP forged the evidence, I know how to do it myself. (Not that I ever even would, that's a pathetic lowlife thing to do.) If I must I will creat generic bogus proof and tell the admins step-by-step how to do it. I can even do it in MS paint.

5. Some doushebag is out to get me. This has happened in the past and I do not take it lightly.

6. OP made a collosal mistake and got the IP/SteamID of the guy pertending to be me.

--- End quote ---

I'm going to address each of these statements individually as best I can.
1. Several witnesses and myself (whom I think is pretty damn trustworthy) will testify to the fact that over a 30 minute span the moment one of you was kicked the other would show up to take their place. The "Alt" is set up like the typical alt, only has 6 pay for games all of which are relatively cheap especially if you received deals, it only has around 10 friends and a relatively small amount of time played.

2. That in and of itself is perfect grounds for action to be taken however as previously stated the evading is why I took any further action other than a scolding and kick.

3. You constantly prop push and at one point when I told you it isn't allowed as either faction (at the time he was a low karma T) you replied with, "well prepare to kick me because I'm not going to stop". This is only my word and I of course have 0 proof but it definitely did happen.

4. Yes because I live to incriminate a player who's been gone for months. I'm pretty sure if I knew how to or wanted to, you wouldn't be my target.

5. So some douchebag waited for month for you to arrive back on the servers then with his 300ish hours total played 11 friends and 6 games decided to follow you around troll you and incriminate you RIGHT AFTER you did something wrong and then proceed to change his name once he realized that it wasn't boding well for him. I can see how you'd come to that conclusion.

6. The steam Id's are 100% correct how can I make a mistake there, unless your steam id is not

--- Quote from: Eion Kilant 739 on July 03, 2012, 11:38:19 PM --- STEAM_0:0:25990455

--- End quote ---

Eion Kilant 739:
Ok, now that I'm well rested and it's not midnight...

From the evedence you have, I do not see a connection between me and the impersonator. At all.

I have played with this impersonator myself at some point, though I'm honestly unsure of the date.

My thanks go out to Captain David for noticing the extra space. That will be handy.

Did this impersonator use the mic, as in talk in it?


--- Quote ---After kicking him the map switched. Right after it switched he returned on his alt account evading the minuscule 10 minute kick. He then proceeded to find me and try and unload on me with his terribly low karma that his alt possesses. After yet another kick, the kick on his other account had expired and he returned on it. He then returned under his new alias of which he was imitating another player on at the time Captain David I believe.
--- End quote ---

You only have two Steam IDs and if you look at the Capain David steam ID screenshot you can see that it is the alt and not mine.

EDIT2: STEAM_0:1:34932198 = My impersonator and Captain's impersonator.

Compare these two:

[TTPN] ShadowMoon:
Mind rape..
I don't know who should I trust now..

Eion Kilant 739:

--- Quote from: Excalipoor on July 04, 2012, 07:38:47 AM ---Mind rape..
I don't know who should I trust now..

--- End quote ---

From what I can tell, Shockah might have made a mistake. In the above post and in the OP you can tell that he thought I was impersonating Captain David. When really the same guy was impersonating both of us. All you have to do to tell is read the proof. (Unless I've made a major error, which I hope I did not.)


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