Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[2 Weeks] ☣|::|MouseyxD|:::|☣ and Dyѕѕтaтιc #BanHammer - Ghosting


Roach :3:
1. Player's SteamID:
STEAM_0:0:22009535 - Dyѕѕтaтιc #BanHammer
STEAM_0:1:16891895 - ☣|::|MouseyxD|:::|☣

2. Players Nickname:
Dyѕѕтaтιc #BanHammer -
☣|::|MouseyxD|:::|☣ -

3. Your in-game name
Roach, >>Mr. Godlike<<

4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
Temp TTT

5. Description of the event(s)
Yesterday we were playing on crummy as I got a T, I went into the small room on the other side of the bridge and waited a few moments there with Mousy, suddenly Dysstatic came in and started to shoot me, right near them was an afk guy, he didn't move at all, after I was killed Dysstatic didn't even I'd the body but (Remember Mousy was right next to him, and I was the first one to get killed.)

Today, once I came back I saw them both play, I went afk for a few seconds, once I came back, Mousy was dead, I just moved and I got shot my Dysstatic (Notice, I was afk, and killed no one.) few minutes later, Dysstatic killed another traitor, killing him with one shot, altho' he didn't damage anyone.

We switched the map and I called Shockah to kick them.

6. Reason for ban

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
On ttt_clue

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On ttt_crummycradle_a4

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Mousy' friends list/and SteamID proof

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I had a feeling they were doing this, I also had to kick Dysstatic once for prop pushing too.

 :thumbsup: I kicked/banned them yesterday to for stuff like rdmming and ghosting.

They will both be banned for two weeks when I'm able to do so.


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