Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Crit Nicks awesome reg app.

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Crit Nick:
Hey whatsup, i'm Crit Nick.

Steam i.d : "Crit Nick" STEAM_0:0:26295998 15:28 49 0 active

Alright so let's start this out.

I've been here for a while, but to be honest i dont have the best reputation here on RND.

I've been a respected for quite a while, i know most people from RND.

Servers i play : TTT, Occasional ZS, and mabye some flood on the side.

I just want to be reg because i've played here quite a bit and want to be regular,i already was but the new rank system took that away.Some people may say i havent been here that long, but i've been here for a decent amount of time.

Just some stuff about me : I'm 15 and my name is obviously nick, i've got some cruddy ass computer and i play RND alot

date is 10/13/10

-Happy boating

Awesome player deserves a  :thumbsup: :D

noooooooooooooo he plays music all the time and it is spam :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Be quiet Noisy.

There is a mute button for good reason.

Boat Sinker:
+1 has the experience.


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