Bans (Read Only) > Approved
[3 Days] "Box" killing and attacking traitor friends.
Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39028065
Player's Name: Box
My name: Aerobro
Server: Trouble In Terrorist Town
What happened: Box is a decided to start minging one round because he hates the server (I have a SS for that). Unit kicked him but I think he believes a longer ban for Knifing me and setting another T buddy on fire with a flare gun.
Photo showed me what he said when he was ded.
That, and everything else when I just joined on Temple.
nid ban
Doctor Who:
--- Quote from: ·UηİŦ··© on June 16, 2012, 12:15:59 PM --- :thumbsup:
Photo showed me what he said when he was ded.
That, and everything else when I just joined on Temple.
nid ban
--- End quote ---
I forgot what I did that day ;_;
Nevermind, I seen what Box talk shit and did to the server that day :thumbsup:
The proof is horrid, but I'll trust yours' and Unit's word on this and he will be banned for 3 days when I'm able to do so.
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