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AlienWare computers: Are they worth it?

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Dr. Insano:
Thanks for the help guys! Looking into the iBuyPower websight, they have some damned good computers for a cheap price, and the designs on them look incredible. I think I may be buying from there.
It's a good thing too, those roller coasters people sre building have been giving me huge FPS Lag on wirebuild on the laptop I have now.


--- Quote from: Moo on August 03, 2010, 06:00:30 AM ---dont really recommend laptops for gaming :/

--- End quote ---

my gaming laptop cost my quite a bit, and the gfx card sucks -.-
i rpefer my gaming comp. no game can defeat it >:D
though i wud consider cyberpowerpc. good site. i dont know much about ibuypower, but just saying

lol build a computer


--- Quote from: Don on August 03, 2010, 06:11:49 AM ---I think they're pretty good for gaming.
Most Laptops give you good performance, and you can play everywhere with laptops.

--- End quote ---

well im just saying in comparison for the price of a laptop, building a computer would be more powerful, and if its not  :cake:

Hell no, Ibuypower, Cyberpowerpc, or build  your own.

Infact, buy a nice $700 desktop at bestbuy or something with complete monitor mouse etc, and then buy a $200 graphics card. You save $100 + you get the monitor (which the alienware didnt have)


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