Bans (Read Only) > Approved
[Perm] Kirhi repeated harassment and rdm of all sorts
1. Player's SteamID
2. Players Nickname
3. Your in-game name
4. Server name
Trouble in Terrorist Town, TTT
5. Description of the event(s)
Since the first time I parted words with kirhi, he has acted in spite of me every chance he gets. Since he has come back nothing has changed he continues to harass myself and others he disagrees with. This being said luckily for me he isn't on very often when I am, I don't know if it's his timezone or what but regardless the point is literally every time he comes on and I notice I try and prepare myself to record. A few of my screenshots were corrupted a few weeks back and so I had to start all over again with the demo I feel proof is sufficient. As to the three events in question, in the demo it clearly shows what happened in that instance. To be put simply, round started, Kirhi found me, kirhi killed me all the while insulting me whilst I tried to get no one to shoot him because I knew for a fact he was either karma baiting or meant to kill me and only me in spite. He then proceeded to leave the game as to avoid the inevitable kick. The dmg logs of kahuna Kirhi locked him in the bathroom of the bar on crummy cradle, saying nothing, however it is to be known that Kirhi complained about a kill kahuna had made on him the round before claiming it was bullshit rdm. The moment the round started Kirhi began to shoot kahuna in an attempt to kill him ultimately failing. Kahuna complained a vip was present and thus Kirhi left as he always does to avoid a kick/ban. As for him killing me as detective, at the time I didn't know it was Kirhi, so I wasn't recording but basically he walked up to me in a room on canyon the one that leads to the lower bridge, then proceeded to once again shout idiotic comments about how much of a faggot I am and what have you, while pumping two shotgun shots into my body.
6. Reason for action
Constant harrassment, disrespect, general attitude, and target/team rdm.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
Damage log that goes with the demo posted below. > Ignore the fact that it says kimchi I was decently tired.
Demo of his intentions when rdming me, general attitude and behavior, as well as his disrespectful nature.
Steam Id as well as him leaving the game which he does every single time in an attempt to evade obviously this time it was successful.
Steam Id of you're a faggot identical to Kirhi's
Though I didn't get a demo this time as I didn't know it was kirhi until he started spewing curses and shooting me (the detective) with a shotgun I did of course take logs and commence a vote kick he once again tried to leave this time after the kick was started. This happened about 2 weeks back I was waiting for a little more evidence as I felt one target rdm would get him off with the slap on the wrist.
Kirhi attempting to first-blood revenge rdm Kahuna.
8. Additional information/comments
I'd like to add that I've known Kirhi to be nothing but trouble for the community and its members, he literally thinks himself higher than every single human, talking about all the great things he's done and the corporations he's been in charge of. I promise you, no I guarantee you if he is allowed on the server ever again, he WILL continue these actions as he has shown time and time again. The grudges and spite he holds for other players is far too large for him to attempt making a change. His demeaning attitude and generally aggressive personality doesn't help one bit.
+1, I often try to ignore what kirhi does. When he does do something serious he often leaves so that no action can be taken.
correct me if i'm wrong, but ban evasion is a perma.
--- Quote from: Deacon on June 12, 2012, 06:23:54 PM ---correct me if i'm wrong, but ban evasion is a perma.
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But in this sense I don't know if that's the case, leaving before a kick is started or in the middle of one, I believe creating an alt account and what not is after a ban but this is a bit different...... I think.
--- Quote from: Shockah on June 12, 2012, 06:28:18 PM ---But in this sense I don't know if that's the case, leaving before a kick is started or in the middle of one, I believe creating an alt account and what not is after a ban but this is a bit different...... I think.
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Avoiding your due punishment = evasion
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