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[1 Week] [RDM]"U WOT M8" revenge RDMing, Mass RDMing, and being an idiot.

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1. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:10927110

2. Hackers name: U WOT M8

3. My Name: pryvisee

4. Server: Tripple Titties. (TTT)

5. Description: Revenge RDMing, RDMing, baiting, being stupid.

6. Reason: I killed this guy the round before for baiting, because he blatantly shot out of the window and hit the person behind me.. So one headshot later, the guy was screaming at me through the mic with his horrible brittish accent saying like "UR DEAD NEXT ROUND" or "IM GOING TO FUCKIN KEEL U".. So he did.. As it was a headshot, and my karma was terri-bad since I killed this "bloke", I couldn't fight back and he finished the round with 4 RDM's total.. This guy is a jack-ass and if he didn't leave like a stupid person, he would of been just kicked..

But he left right after.

7. YouTube video to sum it all up.:

U WOT M8, Revenge RDM, Mass RDM, and such.

I like it, I like it.
let's ban this bloke

saw the whole thing

I also caught the tail end of it. Not a pleasant guy to be around either.  :thumbsup:

This Cactus:
Got all the proof you need. :thumbsup:


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