Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[1 Month] Dannyboy's Behaviour

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--- Quote from: ·UηİŦ··© on June 09, 2012, 05:48:07 PM ---You were ._.

--- End quote ---

When Danny claimed an area and killed whoever he killed?

I think I arrived just after that happened, or I was AFK during it.

This is probably true,I remember I saw him being minge once.

But copypasted logs can't really be considered proof

nevermind I'm stupid and half asleep

This Toast:
Wow. It was all cool when I was playing with him but enough said: Need demote' +1

+1 I told him before that claiming was against the rules to which he responded "I'm a reg, I think I know the rules".

Reporting for one "Suspected" rulebreak? My god, you need to get a life. I never knew about the rule, so sorry if i broke it, but from what i read, and i quote:

--- Quote ----- Illegal content
-- Mature Content
-- Directed Racism
--- End quote ---

Taken fresh from the site. Everyone makes mistakes, and this was my minor one. I don't even see how it's an issue if i'm honest, because what's the alternative? To let him follow me round and potentially stab me? I really don't see what the issue is here, i accept i made a mistake and i'm sorry. If that means nothing to you, i don't care, just the fact i said it to shut you up. It was fucking once. And the hate issue, you expect me to like you when you equally throw abuse at me? Sorry, not the way the world works kid. So what, i got mad, but obviously i would if i got tried for a ban.

Now i could write loads about what is right and wrong, but if you think i should get demoted because of one simple mistake i apologized of, then go ahead, but i say that this is a pretty corrupt system if that is the case.

@Lav, if i didn't give a shit, why do i keep coming back?

And Arch, feel free to annotate this if you want, seems like you should get a fucking room with an annotation.


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