Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[5 Days] "Smolitov" T buddy RDM

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I kicked him earlier for T baiting


--- Quote from: Zevante on June 13, 2012, 03:03:41 PM ---Today we we're playing on urban ruins and he sprayed at least(maybe both, not sure) one of his t buds down to near death with a huge, and let someone else finish them off. Kahuna got a screen that should be here soon.

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Actually, I was shooting the detective with a huge, and my T buddy was behind him. When the D died, he got some of the spray.

Actually he got shot by his t bud. Smol didn't damage him.

Huh, could of sworn I did. Oh well, thats one mystery gone.


--- Quote from: This Cactus on June 12, 2012, 04:26:08 PM ---If that T bud kill was an "accident" you shouldnt leave, its making yourself either evading ban...

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Well, if you can demonstrate it was an accident, you wouldn't be facing the banhammer in the first place, would you?

Out of curiosity, isn't there a difference between avoiding confrontation with VIP, admins, etc, and evading a ban - as in, leaving the server in the middle of a votekick, voteban?


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