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ZS Fiction


Decided to start writing this every once and a while. Various members in the community and other plot devices will be used for more awesomeness. Here is a preview:

And so I find myself writing this. Why? I don't know. Perhaps I feel the need to write my ideas and tactics down so that if I die someone else may be able to continue my plans. Either way I need to get some sleep, it's late and if they see the light shining out of this place we'll be covered in fasties in minutes. At least writing this seems to be somewhat relaxing, I think I'll do this more often. Tomorrow is day one of this master plan of mine and there are a lot of preparations to be made. Two years I've been living in this house, scavenging for materials and supplies to get this plan started and for two damn years I've had to wear this hazmat suit to protect myself from both the infection and the radiation.
I remember the day it all started, with those damn head crabs just droppin' out of no where from Xen. We had it contained at first, but all it took was one or two of them escaping the containment field and they reproduce like cancer, and then infect us just as fast. Of course the first place they hit once they broke containment was Reactor 15 powering the whole place. With no one to maintain it the entire core had a critical meltdown and killed the rest of the personnel in the area.
That entire containment area quickly became their hive. In the past two years, despite possessing human DNA, they've rapidly mutated into many forms. There's the fasties which are impossible to shoot with anything less than an smg or a sniper if you catch them in the air when they can't dodge, that mutated strain of the head crabs that spit poison at you, those nasty hulking tanks of rotting flesh, we just call 'em poisons. Then there's those stupid glowing green guys, chems we call 'em. Filled with a nasty concoction of chlorine, methane and a few other nasty gasses, they're harmless if you arent breathing the air next to them, but God help you if one gets shot and you're near it. A couple other areas have some some really weird strains I've heard if, luckily I haven't had to deal with any of those ones.
Worst of all are the wraiths. If you've got no armor on the things will damn near kill you in two hits. More terrible than that you can't see the things half the time. If you're lucky you can spot them with a flashlight, but they hide in the most unexpected places where you just walk right into them and BAM, your half dead. I've been lucky to have only been hit by the terrifying things twice, but both times it hurt like hell and took about 2 weeks to heal.
Anyway, time for some R and R, not that I can ever get much of the second R around here, always keeping a gun at my side just in case. At least I get to sleep in, no point in getting up to early when the zombies are still out. Still can't believe tomorrow is day one. Here we go...


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