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Intelligent Discussion: Current Gen Gaming

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Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: cogsandspigots on June 06, 2012, 05:06:17 PM ---I have to say that Bethesda and Relic are doing it right in the DLC department.
And Valve is just Valve.

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Pfft, Valve doesn't even need DLC, they use the wonderful tactic (that so many compnies despise) of releasing mod tools to users can build and create their own content and share it with everyone for free. So generally, a valve game will never truly get stale as there's always going to be mods for it.


--- Quote from: Cake ecaF on June 06, 2012, 05:04:40 PM ---True. But just when like 9 or 8 years ago where you could thrive off of a PS2/Gamecube/Xbox Game for months...even years without the need for DLC, and look at today's market where you can beat games within a week and have an option buy DLC to keep replenishing the gameplay...just kinda sad that you can't play games like you could anymore.

--- End quote ---

8 or 9 years ago, barely anything was connected to the internet so there's no reason to say that without DLC or with DLC could've changed anything. That's still true today, there's games that don't have DLC that still thrive, namely Amnesia, Minecraft, etc. and there's games that don't thrive, same as 8 or 9 years ago.

And you have to understand that developers can't just put everything they want into a game. If you listen to commentaries, they talk about how they could've added more but there is only a limited time and budget. Not to say that all developers are like this, but most of them.

Sums it up:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)4:42 PM - Cake Face: > DLC for the most part is fair
4:42 PM - Rocket50: DLC isnt bad
4:42 PM - Rocket50: its just shitty when priced over 5 bucks
4:43 PM - Cake Face: which is a large majority of the market
4:43 PM - Cake Face: stuff like fallout DLC
4:43 PM - Rocket50: welllll
4:43 PM - Rocket50: not 5 bucks
4:43 PM - Cake Face: can be handled
4:43 PM - Rocket50: more like 10
4:43 PM - Cake Face: because betheseda actually released the full game
4:43 PM - Rocket50: mm
4:43 PM - Rocket50: hmmm
4:43 PM - Cake Face: some fallout 3 dlc was bullshit
4:43 PM - Cake Face: because it added stuff that should have been added in the original game
4:44 PM - Rocket50: development cycles
4:44 PM - Rocket50: they dont have infinite money
4:44 PM - Rocket50: and they have to sell their product somewhere down the line
4:44 PM - Rocket50: and have make cuts
4:44 PM - Rocket50: to get the release date
4:44 PM - Rocket50: on time
4:44 PM - Rocket50: not all companies are private
4:44 PM - Rocket50: Lot's of game devs would love to improve their games
4:44 PM - Rocket50: but they have a deadline
4:44 PM - Cake Face: and they do through updates
4:45 PM - Cake Face: and actually fix stuff/add new shit for free
4:45 PM - Rocket50: fix stuff is a given
4:45 PM - Rocket50: new shit
4:45 PM - Rocket50: depends
4:45 PM - Cake Face: well some add new shit
4:45 PM - Rocket50: they are a corporation
4:45 PM - Cake Face: but some corporations take the dlc thing too far...
4:46 PM - Rocket50: yeah
4:46 PM - Rocket50: im talking about
4:46 PM - Cake Face: like $10 for a 15 pack of cars
4:46 PM - Cake Face: for racing games
4:46 PM - Cake Face: understandable
4:46 PM - Rocket50: okay
4:46 PM - Rocket50: i have a different gripe about that
4:46 PM - Rocket50: my own
4:46 PM - Cake Face: but $15
4:46 PM - Cake Face: just for 3 map packs...
4:46 PM - Cake Face: err 3-4 maps
4:46 PM - Rocket50: if the cars/weapons are just for looks
4:46 PM - Rocket50: i dont care
4:46 PM - Rocket50: if they provide power
4:46 PM - Rocket50: that pisses me off
4:46 PM - Rocket50: to a new level
4:47 PM - Rocket50: also
4:47 PM - Rocket50: once game is released
4:47 PM - Rocket50: everything developedp assed it not intended for sale
4:47 PM - Rocket50: is essentially cutting into company money
4:47 PM - Cake Face: wat?
4:47 PM - Rocket50: Once
4:47 PM - Rocket50: a game is released
4:48 PM - Rocket50: everything developed passed that date
4:48 PM - Rocket50: and not intended for sale
4:48 PM - Rocket50: is essentially cutting into company money
4:48 PM - Cake Face: how so?
4:48 PM - Rocket50: they arent selling it
4:48 PM - Rocket50: its free
4:49 PM - Cake Face: but once again, that's where the large giant corporations come in
4:49 PM - Cake Face: EA and Activision
4:49 PM - Cake Face: if they develope crap past release date
4:49 PM - Cake Face: and release it for free
4:50 PM - Cake Face: they use that excuse
4:50 PM - Cake Face: that it cuts into money
4:50 PM - Cake Face: so while the game companies themselves want to release it for free
4:50 PM - Cake Face: it's down to the opinion by their final owner
4:50 PM - Cake Face: and DICE and EA
4:50 PM - Rocket50: and i said
4:50 PM - Cake Face: Dice said they'll never charge for map packs
4:50 PM - Rocket50: thats usually fair
4:50 PM - Rocket50: when
4:50 PM - Cake Face: but
4:50 PM - Rocket50: its not EA
4:50 PM - Rocket50: and Activision
4:51 PM - Rocket50: becuase you know
4:51 PM - Cake Face: but what content are you having in mind when you say it's "usuallly fair"?
4:51 PM - Rocket50: faggots
4:51 PM - Rocket50: vanity
4:51 PM - Cake Face: shit like map packs?
4:51 PM - Rocket50: like skins
4:51 PM - Rocket50: and shiny uber super awesome hats
4:51 PM - Rocket50: decal
4:51 PM - Rocket50: that shit
4:51 PM - Rocket50: maps
4:52 PM - Rocket50: are kind of a flip flop
4:52 PM - Cake Face: >$9 just for a top hat
4:52 PM - Rocket50: thats fine
4:52 PM - Rocket50: you dont have to buy it
4:52 PM - Rocket50: it doesnt influence the gamplay
4:52 PM - Rocket50: at ALL
4:53 PM - Cake Face: but would it be something that you aquire down the road?
4:53 PM - Rocket50: wouldnt matter
4:53 PM - Cake Face: that you actually don't have to buy it
4:53 PM - Rocket50: still vanity
4:53 PM - Rocket50: if i really wanted it
4:53 PM - Rocket50: when w/e
4:54 PM - Cake Face: but releasticaly speaking
4:54 PM - Cake Face: $9 just for a tophat?
4:54 PM - Cake Face: you're willing buy it?
4:54 PM - Rocket50: realistically speaking
4:54 PM - Rocket50: i wouldnt
4:54 PM - Rocket50: so
4:54 PM - Rocket50: it wouldnt matter to me
4:54 PM - Rocket50: one way or the other
4:55 PM - Cake Face: well in the first place no game that I know that is a major hat simulator doesn't have only paid exclusive hats
4:55 PM - Cake Face: so I really don't care about that
4:55 PM - Cake Face: but stuff like skins and map packs...
4:55 PM - Cake Face: skins it kinda depends like you said
4:55 PM - Cake Face: if it's cock of duty, of course it'll be $15 for some shitty AK skin
4:55 PM - Rocket50: but then
4:55 PM - Rocket50: why would it matter to you
4:56 PM - Rocket50: if you wouldnt buy it
4:56 PM - Rocket50: 4:55 PM - Cake Face: well in the first place no game that I know that is a major hat simulator doesn't have only paid exclusive hats
4:56 PM - Rocket50: >Tf2
4:56 PM - Rocket50: >brink
4:56 PM - Cake Face: >TF2, you can unlock everything without buying
4:56 PM - Rocket50: no
4:56 PM - Cake Face: >brink no idea about
4:56 PM - Rocket50: theres exclusive buy only
4:56 PM - Cake Face: wat
4:56 PM - Cake Face: there is?
4:57 PM - Rocket50: yep
4:57 PM - Rocket50: something you get for buying at steam store
4:57 PM - Rocket50: like ahat
4:57 PM - Rocket50: or something
4:57 PM - Cake Face: like a "I just bought a hat, hat"?
4:57 PM - Rocket50: that and actually store only
4:57 PM - Rocket50: few  though
4:58 PM - Cake Face: pff, there's always mods to fall back on to at least change some of the hats on your end
4:58 PM - Cake Face: but getting back to the CoD thing
4:58 PM - Cake Face: what if I'd actually like to have some shitty AK skin
4:58 PM - Cake Face: or that it would be a nice thing
4:58 PM - Cake Face: err no
4:58 PM - Cake Face: lemme think of a more real example
4:59 PM - Cake Face: fawk
4:59 PM - Cake Face: I can't really think of any games where it's actually a nice feature to have something
5:00 PM - Cake Face: that doesn't influence gameplay in the bit
5:00 PM - Cake Face: eh
5:00 PM - Cake Face: fuck it
5:00 PM - Cake Face: but yeah, I get what you're saying
5:00 PM - Cake Face: but there's not a lot of publishers that do that anymore...

Well Sony is losing money, Microsoft is going casual and Nintendo has gone casual. Only place to turn is PC gaming which is kind of a good thing and kind of a bad thing (PC gaming is booming, not dying. But new players will flood servers with noobs).
Dunno, I think eventually at the rate EA is going we'll be getting games made by machines all on one engine just using a randomizer to change variables.

>Microsoft is going casual
Really, Zev?

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Frank on June 06, 2012, 05:40:11 PM --->Microsoft is going casual
Really, Zev?

--- End quote ---
Did you even see their E3 conference?


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